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Class Offerings

Align & Flow - This class supports all levels of practice as students gain deeper insight into how each pose can work for his/her unique body. Students are guided with essential cues for gaining safe alignment while moving through a fluid, flow-like practice. 
Gentle Yoga Hour - This 60-minute class is designed for those seeking to restore the mind and body through gentle movement, deeper stretching, and mindful breathing.  
Yoga Beats - Each month we feature a specific band or genre of music to accompany a flowing 60-minute class. A fun way to experience some of your favorite music with your favorite activity!
Donation-Based Yoga can and should be accessible for all. Each month we offer donation-based classes where students are invited to pay what they can. These are open-level classes that incorporate Vinyasa, Hatha and Yin-Style Yoga teachings. 
Early Riser - To accommodate those early morning riser's, this 30-minute class is designed to invigorate and energize. We begin by cultivating a mindful breath, followed by a a series of flow-like postures to connect breath and body. A great way to start the day, and only $5 for the class! *Summer Season Class
Special workshops and class series are also offered throughout the year, including prenatal yoga, parent-child yoga and more!
Check out our schedule here
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